Friday, 18 April 2008

Class photos

This was the LO that everyone had to do. I didn't figure on how long it would take everyone to do the cutting out LOL but it was a very quiet class!!!!!!!!

Everyone ready to begin !!!!!!

You can see the concentration in everyone's faces !!!!!

Very quick pause for a mouthfull of Coffee !!!!!!!!!!!! Most of the drinks went cold as everyone was so busy cutting out tiny pieces of paper.

We had an unexpected 8 legged guest and Kellie and Jen lept across the room screaming, Karen very bravely escorted the gate crasher out of the front door, I was all ready to show it the underside of my shoe, but it was more 'humane' that way !!!!!!!!! My way would of ensured it didn't come back .......

The finished results, although only a few managed to finish, I will upload as and when everyone finishes LOL